UpDating #17 (copy 27)


Fall is here along with many important milestones (and no, I’m not just talking about the exciting end of the Montauk Instagram Stories).

UpDating is set for the most epic, extraordinary, revolutionary fall season to date. Residencies in Brooklyn and at the prestigious City Winery. Interesting, courageous & famous (stay tuned 🤫) daters from all walks of life. Special segments & bits geared to make you “lol” & “awwww” & "🥰" in more ways than ever before.

We could not be more thrilled for you to be on this journey with us. A journey Matthew Kidman in The Girl Next Door would appreciate. A journey to make all of our mothers, who yearn for us to not stay in and watch Netflix, overcome with joy. A journey with more success stories than we even thought was possible. And yes, a journey to change the definition of raw entertainment.

Tickets are selling out for September so book your spots before its too late! October shows will be announced soon, and if you really are excited, ask us about November or December. They are booked too!Lots of Love,

Berman & Harrison

Experience the magic and nominate a friend (or yourself) to go on UpDating.  Sign up here and let us know how your last first date went like these brave souls below:"I drove 50 mins for a god damn Houlihan’s and he showed up in a Dad to Daddy Hawaiian shirt.. FML.""Welp my last first date started out like a romantic fairy tale, we laughed, held hands, swapped embarrassing stories - really found a nice flow of conversation and laughter...I even stopped mid date to say a silent “thank GOD “ because this was my first online date...As we walk to the parking lot literally screaming “couples goals” UP PULLS his wife, in a mini van no less 😂 she hop out - I was accused of being “them bytches “ and long story short - still single""Was in a Mexican restaurant and I waited for 90 minutes for my date to show up. While waiting I made friends with a near by table and they invited me over. When she finally arrived she saw that I was with a group she sat down introduced herself to the group and then said that I wasted her time and if I was just here to hang out with friends I shouldn't have asked her out. She then left and that was the end of that."

Please fill out this brief survey on your experience at UpDating. We will be providing two free tickets to a lucky entry. Your feedback is so important as we can't wait to keep building our show & community in Fall & beyond.
