UpDating #17 (copy 13)

We Are Shocked (And Happy New Year) 💔


...The thoughts racing through my mind after these moments were nothing short of positive disassociation: Did the Swedish painter of my dreams actually just kiss me with blindfolds on? What was going to happen with the blindfolds off? Would she still be into me? Ah, what if she’s disappointed?! Was I becoming a part of UpDating history? Was this date actually going to lead into a second date? Did my grandmom just watch us makeout?!

My fears of our chemistry waning without the blindfolds were later put to bed instantly as we threw our chairs & table to the side of the stage to lie down next to each other for a brief moment only Shakespeare, Drake & probably Leonardo Dicaprio could relate to: I read her my poem and asked for a second date...Read the rest of Harrison's "A Blind Date My Future Grandkids Will Hear About"

SHOW DATES. Tickets found here.


Experience the magic and nominate a friend (or yourself) to go on UpDating.  Sign up here and let us know how your last first date went like these brave souls below:"Because he told me that in addition to working in finance he was a male escort, but was really looking to get out of that industry and settle down. Wasn’t exactly husband material if you know what I mean.""We went for coffee, in the day time, so not only did I have to spend hours making myself try to look casual- pretty (the hardest kind of pretty to pull off), but I didn't have any alcohol to soothe the pain of him talking about his cats for 75% of the time."

Please fill out this brief survey on your experience at UpDating. We will be providing two free tickets to a lucky entry. Your feedback is so important as we can't wait to keep building our show & community in 2020.From all of us at UpDating, HAPPY NEW YEAR ❤️❤️❤️
