UpDating #17 (copy 11)

We Are Speechless ❤️


We now have 8 engagements from UpDating!  INSANE RIGHT?!Okay, we might not have eight but what we do have is an amazing community of people just like you ready & hungry for ADVENTURE. A new way to laugh, to cry, and take part in the kind of group therapy the regular New York City bar fails to deliver.

As for November, we’ll see the return of a few familiar faces from our past 40 shows (including a new segment called "Gift Exchange"). We’ve heard your feedback on wanting to keep tabs on former daters of the show and can't wait to bring more of them back into the spotlight (and stage).

Lastly, if you happen to run into us in public, be careful because we’re now setting up strangers on blind dates…in real life. Subway drivers need love too!!November & December are about to be lit and 2020, well, we’re planning something big! With Love. Let’s Love.Harrison & BermanP.S. If you have any friends that deserve a reality show about their life and will be great on UpDating, hit us up!

SHOW DATES. Tickets found here.


Experience the magic and nominate a friend (or yourself) to go on UpDating.  Sign up here and let us know why you want to be on the show like these brave souls below:"Finally people will be able to witness live the incredibly direct things I say on first dates instead of having to take my word for it.""I’ve been on 56 dates, but none of them blind. Maybe if I can’t see, I’ll nail this one.""Looking to find love in the strangest places.""A bunch of friends have told me I should be on some sort of reality show, and though I don't think I would be comfortable with that kind of exposure, I can handle a date."
