UpDating #17 (copy 10)

We Goin' to Brooklyn, New Stories Section, and Makeouts! ❤️⭐️


...My six-hour flight originally planned to consist of rest, Frank Ocean’s Blonde, and two overpriced roasted turkey sandwiches… turned into my greatest texting feat to date.

Time stood still. The plane hovered over the clouds as we sent hundreds of texts to each other over the course of the flight. This was the type of thread I love, the type where it’s cool to send 3–4 texts in a row, even if your entire screen looks blue. We discovered our moms had the same first name, “Lisa.” My most beloved HBO shows, Sex & The City, Entourage, and Curb, were her favorites, too. We expressed interest in breaking Jewish tradition for a tattoo. We even discussed our shared disdain for the so-called “mind games of texting” today...Read the rest of Harrison's "Traumatic Two-Date, One-Week Adventure"

SHOW DATES. Tickets found here.


Experience the magic and nominate a friend (or yourself) to go on UpDating (especially those who are straight and male-identifying).  Sign up here and let us know why you want to be on the show like these brave souls below:"Selfishly, I would love to meet someone in this weird way. Non-selfishly, I think it's really cool how talking about dating/love/relationships can bring strangers together over a shared (sometimes miserable) experience.""I like to think that I’m equal parts friendly and snarky on these kinds of meetings. I’m from LA originally, but I hated the weather there, which is a very controversial opinion to have on the east coast. This alone has made for some lively debate on dates.""I want to find a boyfriend if not husband lolol Someone who wants to commit. 🙃""Cause I’m single and bored dude like why not"
