Newsletter 7

Sunday Is Better With Brunch

Calling all Boozy Brunchers (especially today), Job Hoppers, and Dating App Swipers. 

 Great News! It's Sunday, so either you're hungover, going to yoga, waking up next to bae, or at THE meal of the week. *Cue The Chainsmokers music* Long story short, thanks for sticking with us. Big things are coming, and when I say big, we mean it may or may not break the urban Millennial internet (AKA Facebook). Stay tuned :)  --

  Morning Bun (of the week) 

No New Friends

When I was 9 years old, I met my best friend. Actually, we probably had met before, but our friendship was truly formed in fourth grade.

Allison and I had a lot in common, so it was no surprise that our somewhat stay-at-home Catholic mothers both persuaded us to join the after-school children’s choir at our church. It was perfect (for them) — and extra hour of free child care, God watching over us, and all within walking distance of our elementary school aka no reason for our moms to have to drive us anywhere. Spending our afternoon together once a week evolved into sleepovers, skipping class to go to Olive Garden, and eventually becoming college roommates....

This Week's Dating Note:

"Think you can't hook up with your best guy friend and still be friends? It happened to me and our friendship survived and yours will too."  

Haley, 21 (Boston, MA)


This week's "DATE/ABLE" episode is all about dating the CEO of a start up. Josh talks about what happens when you are married to your job, the sacrifices you make to run a startup, and how this plays into your dating life. 

Ideas for topics? Upcoming dates? Email [email protected]

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