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  • New Era: February 2023 THANK YOU NOTE ONLY

New Era: February 2023 THANK YOU NOTE ONLY


On behalf of UpDating (all two of us), thank you SOOOO much for supporting us during the SOLD OUT North American tour over the past few weeks! You bought tickets in BULK,

, and roared for the free vibrators & cock rings thanks to our friends over at

!  Even our moms are proud of us now!With the sold out Hookup Tour finally in the books with March already in full swing, we figured it would be a good time to share some observations from the road

, award the horniest city of the tour, and yes, tease what’s next for us & the UpDating family…So the tour started off in Phoenix, followed by SD, and LA. Phoenix, the land of

 kicked off the tour with a bang (literally). These crowds were vibrant, loose, fun, and sensual - we loved every second of it!Next , it was off to San Diego, our pick for THE horniest city in America. Berkeley & biotech bros were the butt of the jokes here as we ventured to the city where they do one thing and one thing only: they hookup. A lot. We’ve traveled now to 20+ cities in the country and so far, San Diego is the only place we’ve gone to where a certain sex position that begins with an “a” came up 12 times and the dates started making out before they started speaking to each other,

LA, wow, what more can we say other than this place has nothing in common with any other city we do UpDating in. Half the audience has a million followers, the other half drove up from Orange County, and they cheer aggressively at the wild of the wildest moments on stage. We love Los Angeles’ unique, funky brand of UpDating, and are already planning multiple shows in a row back in la la land.Okay now let’s talk about Philly & Chicago. Some of the coolest, realest audiences around.

and love raunchy UpDating humor just as much as their Eagles. Chicago remains the only city we’ve ever toured in where people in the crowd actually don’t complain about dating and our incredible UpDating fans in Chi-Town brought their own blend of fun energy & aggressive drinking on back-to-back nights as we filmed our first-ever UpDating Comedy special (coming soon!).The following week took us to Boston, Nashville & Atlanta. Boston brought some of the most polarizing dialogue of the tour where our

The ladies in the crowd threw tomatoes. Ya, Boston is different.Nashville, woah, we absolutely love you. Ya’ll are as fun as advertised, and the only city where half the audience brought their own guitar to try to win over one of the dates. We cannot wait to get back here.

Then it was off to Atlanta, an epic city made for UpDating, and one of the coolest venues of the tour at Terminal West. This was a place where there was a unique energy felt in the crowd, one filled with connection, lucky shirt color guesses, and another polarizing debate on height. We could not be more grateful to the UpDating community in Atlanta who waited patiently for the show to arrive and sold this bad boy out quickly. 

The following week brought us back out West starting off with the funky capitals of the Northwest, Seattle and San Francisco. Seattle, what a unique place, and one of the most out there shows we’ve had to date (we loved every second of it). There’s a reason Pearl Jam, Jimi Hendrix and so many others come from this mysterious entertainment hub, the people are just cool and down for a good time.After Seattle, we journeyed back to another passionate UpDating fanbase, San Francisco. Slack & Apple bros filled this auditorium and it was clear that this was a city with a lot of angst around hooking up and dating. Whereas San Diego was the ocean, this felt like the Mojave Desert and a city UpDating was definitely needed in lol…LA round 2, see above. We love you.The final week of the tour brought us back to our home of NYC kicking off a two-day, three show, 1000+ ticket phenomenon known as the Valentine’s Day Special. Brooklyn, what more can we say other than we vibe with your vibe, and the hype was real in this energetic show full of contagious energy, roaring laughter, and

. We will be back regularly, mark our words.Second to last brought us to our home turf at NYC’s City Winery, the big room. A room filled with magical dreams,

, and so many more epic moments it reminded us why we call New York home to the fullest extent and how incredible of a homecoming it was to return to the big apple after our longest time away from a show in NYC in over 3 years.Last but not least, Toronto and Louisville. The marquee outside, a theater Quentin Tarantino would have marveled at, and an international fan base thrilled to see 

. This was more than a show, it was a movie, a phenomenon, a marvel, a sensation with a very

. We will be back north of the border very very soon…Louisville, you love bourbon and that’s still all we know but that’s okay because ya’ll know how to have a good time and bring the laughs to the closing ceremony of the tour. The tour of a lifetime. FINITO. And we can’t wait to do it again, which is why we’re stoked to announce that planning for the next tour has already started!

Thank you for believing in us. For attending our shows. Telling your friends and loved ones and exes to come through and cheer. Sharing our videos. For giving us your time, and space to bring our own blend of rock & roll comedy to the stage. Our show is here to change culture and we’re still just…getting….started!WE LOVE YOU!Brandon & Harrison