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Brunch Newsletter Week Five

The Kind of Relatable, But Getting Better Newsletter

Calling all Millennials, Boozy Brunchers, Job Hoppers, and Dating App Swipers. 


The Brunch Media newsletter is here for you through the trials, tribulations, and trauma of your urban adventures or in other words, your (our) last breakup. Seriously, the newsletter is literally right here to help! Meta, we know!

-- Morning Bun (of the week) Sporadic Summarizing Thoughts on President Barack Obama  

Alright, I’m going to try my hardest to not get teary-eyed recapping Obama’s legacy after just watching his remarkable Farewell Address. I could fill out pages, probably books, with compliments to heap on that man: classy, convicted, resolute, intelligent, fervent, inspirational — you name it. I could do that, but I’ll let every mainstream media outlet do that, so I thought I’d add a personal element for just how much Barack Obama meant to me personally: profound, not revolutionary...

This Week's Dating Note:

"About a year ago I started doing yoga and one of my instructors - who was absolutely gorgeous, btw - would always ask us to bring in our own playlist for her to play in class. So after weeks of no one responding, I decided to bring in a playlist to class one day. We had a rejuvenating flow, after a long week of midterms and after the class I went to grab my phone from her and she couldn't stop gushing about how perfect my playlist was. (Hey @Spotify, if Obama doesn't take the President of Playlists job, ya boi is a post-grad with impeccable playlists!) She gave me her number and said she'd love to hangout sometime. Oddly enough I got stood up by a friend for dinner that night and may have had a shot (or three) of tequila and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to shoot my shot. So I did and we end up going to get some sushi. Had a great time at dinner. When I got home I was showing my roommates her Facebook profile and I come to learn that she is the niece of a former Republican Presidential Candidate. Oh, and I'm incredibly liberal."

- Nas, 23 (Minneapolis, MN) 

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