AUG 15 Newsletter - CORE


We are still gushing over the Sold Out UpDating Summer Tour. Who would have thought the men in Denver share an infatuation for overly vulnerably book clubs? or that if you are single in LA, you are willing to literally almost fight for a shot at love?  Despite the phenomenon of the road, the excitement in the air for the start of the NYC Fall season is just as zesty. New cities, themes, the next HUD After Hours party (announcement coming soon!), and plans to make each & every show the gala you’re seeing on the road are just a few of the sparks flying for the September shows now live.For those around the world DM’ing us (shoutout to the super-fan club in Belgium), the UpDating Fam is officially chowing on the hors d'oeuvres - just wait till we get to the entrees ;)With Love,Brandon & Harrison

Experience the magic and apply to go on UpDating like these brave souls below:

My last first date I dropped my cell phone into a bowl of muscles and covered my date in marinara sauce...Was with a guy who I met at a zoo, there was a beer tasting event. We were all drunk and he came up to me. Asking me to give me his number and to go on a date. I agreed, only if he would kiss my foot then and there....
